
Privacy Policy

This notice provides Dunn & Morgans privacy policy regarding the nature, purpose, use, and sharing of any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) collected via this website. Our privacy policy explains our information practices when you provide PII to us, whether collected online or offline, or when you visit us online to browse, obtain information, or conduct a transaction. PII may include: your name, email, mailing and/or home address, phone numbers, or other information that identifies you personally. We do not require you to register or provide personal information to visit our website.

The PII you provide on a Dunn & Morgan website will be used only for its intended purpose. We will protect your information consistent with the principles of the Privacy Act of 1974 , the E-Government Act of 2002 , and the Federal Records Act .

Submitting PII

As a general rule, Dunn & Morgan does not collect PII about you when you visit our website, unless you choose to provide such information to us. Submitting PII through our website is voluntary. By doing so, you are giving Dunn & Morgan your permission to use the information for the stated purpose. However, not providing certain information may result in Dunn & Morgan’s inability to provide you with the service you desire. If you choose to provide us with PII on a Dunn & Morgan website, through such methods as completing a web form or sending us an email, we will use that information to help us provide you the information or service you have requested or to respond to your message.

Electronic mail messages that meet the definition of records in the Federal Records Act (44 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.) are covered under the same disposition schedule as all other Federal records. This means that emails you send us will be preserved and maintained for varying periods of time if those emails meet the definition of Federal records. Electronic messages that are not records are deleted when no longer needed.

Further Information Collected

We collect and temporarily store certain information about your visit for use in site management and security purposes only. We collect and analyze this information because it helps us to better design our website to suit your needs. We may also automatically collect information about the web content you view in the event of a known security or virus threat.

Third-party Websites

The Dunn & Morgan uses social media websites and other kinds of third-party websites. The Dunn & Morgan uses social media websites to interact with foreign constituencies and engage in public diplomacy worldwide. Social media websites are used to publicize Dunn & Morgan events, and engage with members of the public. The Dunn & Morgan also uses web measurement and customization technologies to measure the number of visitors to our websites and their various sections and to help make our websites more useful to visitors. In such cases, the third-party application may request an email address, username, password, and geographic location (e.g., State, region, or ZIP code) for account registration purposes. Dunn & Morgan does not use third-party websites to solicit and collect PII from individuals.

Any PII passively collected (i.e., not solicited) by the third-party website will not be transmitted or stored by Dunn & Morgan; no PII will be disclosed, sold or transferred to any other entity outside Dunn & Morgan, unless required for law enforcement purposes or by statute.

Email Bulletin Messages

The Dunn & Morgan uses the GovDelivery service to deliver email bulletin messages to self-subscribed users. Dunn & Morgan’s Office of Global Web Platforms serves as the executive agent for Dunn & Morgan’s GovDelivery Service and controls who at Dunn & Morgan has access to send email bulletins, create or delete topics.

Users engaging Dunn & Morgan’s GovDelivery system expect privacy protections while interacting with Dunn & Morgan. We will only use the email addresses provided by the users to send email messages related to the topics selected by the user in the GovDelivery system. We will not use the GovDelivery service to: 1) send email messages not related to the topics selected by the user; 2) actively seek personally identifiable information; and 3) search for or by personally identifiable information without a waiver from our Privacy Office.

To the extent a user posts or sends personally identifiable information to Dunn & Morgan’s GovDelivery system, we will use the minimum amount necessary to accomplish a purpose authorized by statute or regulation. Neither Dunn & Morgan nor GovDelivery may share a user’s subscription profile (including email address) without a waiver from the Privacy Office.


Dunn & Morgan takes the security of all PII very seriously. We take precautions to maintain the security, confidentiality, and integrity of the information we collect at this site. Such measures include access controls designed to limit access to the information to the extent necessary to accomplish our mission.

We also employ various security technologies to protect the information stored on our systems. We routinely test our security measures to ensure that they remain operational and effective.